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Shedding Coats

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Furrish 0 More from this author

Shedding Coats

All dog’s shed, but if you have a dog that sheds ALOT our deshedding tool should be your go to tool.  Using this deshedding tool regularly can help remove the dead hairs before they are shed and help prevent matts in your dog’s coat. With daily use you will see maximum effect and a (little less) hair around your home!

All our Furrish shampoos will be suitable for shedding coats so choose a shampoo that suits your dog’s needs the best. Pair with our Bathtime Scrubber to help loosen and remove those dead hairs when bathing.

If you want to add extra hydration try our Easy Peasy 2 in 1.

If your pooch is prone to running in muddy puddles and needs an extra scrub use Deep Clean.

Or for a fantastic gentle shampoo that is suitable for all coat types use Baby Powder Shampoo. It will leave your pup’s coat soft and shiny and has that familiar fresh baby powder scent.


Check out some of our other Coat Type related posts

10 August 2020
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