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Sensitive Coats

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Furrish 0 More from this author

Sensitive Coats

Some dogs have more sensitive skin than others and this needs particular care.  Sensitive skin can be caused by different factors-  some breeds genetically have more sensitive skin where others are more sensitive due to environmental factors such as allergies or the weather.

Take care when you are brushing your Furrish Friend.  We recommend using out Ball pin slicker to brush out minor knots and tangles as the rubber ball pins will be gentle on their skin.

Using the correct shampoo is vital to ensure the skin is not irritated further. We recommend Nice & Gentle Shampoo which is enriched with oatmeal extract renowned for its skin conditioning properties. Use with our gentle Scrubber for a relaxing bath time massage.


Check out some of our other Coat Type related posts

10 August 2020
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