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Pet Proof Your Home

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Pet Proof Your Home


Before you welcome your dog into his new home it is important to make sure your house is puppy proof. This is not their natural habitat but with a few pet-proofing tips you can make this new environment safefor them. These tips are largely common sense and you will do it without even thinking but taking time tolook at your home and garden through your pet's eyes may help avoid injury, or even worse!


If you are fortunate enough to have a garden, make sure this is secure before letting your dog roam free.Look out for any gaps in fences, gates, and hedges and make sure your fences are high enough thatsuper active pups can’t jump over. Your pet should be microchipped (a legal requirement from 8 weeksold) and ensure the details are up to date, so if your mischievous pup does make a great escape, theycan be returned quickly to you before they come to harm.


Your home is filled with lots of little spaces, such as behind the sofa, fridge, or other pieces of furniture -perfect for a game of hide and seek. If your pet can squeeze in and get stuck this can cause them greatdistress especially if you don’t find them for a while. Make sure you block off any small spaces orrearrange furniture to seal the gaps.If there are areas of your home such as cupboards or drawers that you want to keep a nosey dog out ofyou may want to fit child locks to these, and a stairgate will help prevent your pup from exploringupstairs. Stairs can be a potential hazard if your dog attempts them unsupervised.


While moving through your home your pet may bump into items causing things to topple and fall. Makesure anything heavy that could fall and hurt them is out of their way.


Garden tools, knives, razors – all so dangerous if your pet gets hold of them. Make sure these sharp objects are all put away after use.


Electric heaters, open fires and log burners, cookers and hair appliances such as straighteners anotherdanger source for pets. Ensure that pets are kept away or supervised while these are in use.Remember to set straighteners out of reach after use as they stay warm for some time and be carefulthat cords aren’t accessible.It is also important that your pets have an area of shade while they are out in the garden. They can enddehydrated or with sunstroke if they are overexposed to the sun, and light and white coated dogs cansuffer from painful sunburn. Your dog will know his limits but make sure you provide some shelter theycan cool off in.


As well as cleaning products, and medicines in our homes that are poisonous for our pups many foodscan be dangerous. Chocolate, Macadamia nuts and foods from the Allium Family (onions, leeks, garlicand chives) are all toxic for dogs. Also, be aware of choking hazards in your home, small toys can beparticularly alluring to a dog.


While not in use place all electrical cords out of your pup's way - this will hopefully them getting into anybad habits of chewing these which is extremely dangerous. While your electrical appliances are in use,supervise your pets to ensure they stay away from cords. All frayed or damaged cords should be fixedimmediately as these greatly increase the risk of electrocution - with their wet noses and faces, evensniffing a frayed cord could give them an electric shock!


Some of the rubbish we discard is super tasty to your pet and some is extremely dangerous, includingthe previously mentioned sharp objects, poisonous cleaning products and toxic food stuffs, but alsoplastic packaging, and small objects. Make sure your bin is out of the way or has a secure or lockable lid.


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3 August 2020
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